Wednesday, May 12, 2010

On a Normal drive back home from work...

On my way drive back from work today, I go on the Garvey on ramp to head 10W as usual. Waiting for the traffice light to let me get on. Once on, I see a blue GC8 (Old School Impreza) with black rims and an exhaust as I am passing by to merge on to the 10W instead of the 605S. I give a fellow Suby greet with a peace sign while passing the car w/o looking at the driver, this time. Then I merge 3 cars infront of the GC8. 5 seconds later I see the GC8 move to the lane that is merging to the 605S (where I merged from) and I merge left again to go to the faster lanes. I thought the car exited...

Little did I know ...when I was exiting on West Covina Parkway to go to the mall to buy some tennis balls, I saw the blue GC8 in the middle lane. I start to check out the car as I'm passing by to exit and I glance over to the driver. I swear I must have instantly started drooling. The amount of hotness/sexyness radiating from that blue GC8 was overwhelming. WOW! This chick was wearing a tank while her black bra was sticking out, I fucking love that when fit girls do that (accident or on purpose).... While exiting.. I'm like oh oh .. oh my gosh (Usher).. how could I get another glance at her and I thought of DICKS Sporting Goods.. but too late.. I'm already turning and she's far behind me when I passed her.

Man! She knew how to drive too. Sigh. That doesn't happen often at all :( so sad.

Her car was probably faster than mine too! Very tempted to search on NASIOC...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

VV - That's V and V

Here are the much anticipated videos of the FSC Las Vegas meet. Read the FIRST post (below) before you watch the videos.



So who's next >:]

EDIT!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot to post the 6th video link!


Monday, December 24, 2007

First post - We doin' it with Las Vegas baby!

For FSC - Note: some details are left out.

"Tell vin ill kill him! Ill call u guys when i done dishes lol" - babyguh

So you all know that I went to vegas to meet up with Joon and Jo. I didn't leave LA area until 12:30PM. I didn't end up in Vegas until 8PM! So I couldn't meet Jo until tomorrow, sad face. There was a possiblity but that was shattered when my friends grandma wanted to stop at an outlet outside of vegas (32miles) for 1 1/2 hours. Yeah so I called that thing off. I went to the Wang Lee Hom concert (MGM Grand) and it was cool. Kind of boring sometimes but it was cool. I got free tickets so our seats were way up high so we just went down to the lower seats as best we could.. haha we got kicked out of our seats once and moved seats 3 times cause Lee Hom tried to go through the audience so everyone rushed on to the floor levels. yes I went too.. I wanted to give him a high five... after the concert.. god my friends that i'm staying with, 4 girls and their parents?! wanted to wait for him .. and stalked him. This is a huge separate story itself. Cliff notes are, girls hang out for 2 1/2 hours, walked around whole building, friend got a wedge to hold up a locked door when people came out, sneaked in with 30 other fangirls and I went for the first 5mins then came out and said this was stupid. They get kicked out. end. After i got to their hotel, they could not stop tellingtheir story and their parents snore.. like CRAZY! Didn't sleep for long, it was around 3-4AM at that time. Woke at 9AM. Checked out of Luxor. Freaking i didn't even have time to take pictures at night cause they spent so long.

Now on to meet Joon aka Vincent. He texted me saying he arrived in the morning. After we checked out, my friends parked at the Caesars' Palace because there was another concert they were attending that night. He's staying at Planet Hollywood. He walked 1 block and ended up infront of Harrahs and got tired or something, he said it was quite a while away.. I walked a block to go see him at Harrahs because he thought the Venetian was really far away. I was at the Venetian walking around the area with my ride back home (i didnt' know at that time), those girlies. So we meet up and decided to play a game of Hold'em while we wait for Jo to get off work.

We went inside Harrahs at first cause we couldn't decide where to play, but joon warned not to play at the Bellagio and Caesar's Palace because they be hustlin in there (note on these two casinos later on), sure lose unless you are pro. The Harrah's tables were gloomy and not active.. and I didn't have a good feeling here, so I suggested we walked the block to the Venetian where I felt "better", waited an hour for our spots to open up. We would have actually been playing on the same table if we knew another table was going to open up. since we didnt' we went to play slots and then Joon showed me the Kwak Family luck in gambling! His credits would dwindle down to nothing and then he'd press the double/max bet button and he would get back all his money! he was up $10 after one of those. god. anyways I finally got called into a table at around 3PM, we were to play $1/2 No Limit. I was scared, like going to jail to get raped. I was so noob, I didn't know any of the lingo from my casual Hold'em play with my friends. IE: CHoP? do you want to CHOP haha.. i asked the dealer what that meant and the whole fucking table stared at me. hahahahha :( Anyways, I was pretty much losing the blinds the first two rounds then won a small pot and was up 50, the buyin was $100 so I had about $150 and I look on Joon's table cause we played separate tables, he wasn't looking so hot, looked like he had $75 and progressively I came down to $50 myself. I didnt look over but Vincent saw and then when he looked over again, I was up. Because we bought in for $100, the big NL players kept pushing us around. My turning point(~$50) came when I knew this indian guy to the left of me was pushing me around with this chips. I wanted to see the god damn flop by limping in and he kept raising, so i kept folding.. until this one hand when I kept it.. and called him.. I got a straight.. and he kept playing thinking i had nothing at all! So i went all in and doubled up. fucking fantastic.. in my head i'm like. that's right, bitch, suck it! the next four hands he wasn't able to shake off his loss hahha.. his hand was to his head.. hahahahahahah. anyways few hands later.. this time.. I had J/9 Diamonds - 4 players in to see the flop. Flop was 10D 7D 5C .. i'm likehell yeah I can get a flush, i had faith, if not.. I can get a straight!.. the next card was a 8D .. i'm like holy shit I have a straight flush, then bet $20 to go in, and they followed the ALL in on the River... in my head these fools have no idea hahahaha.. and one guy that just joined the game 3 hands ago went all in with me, the others called my bet and BAM I owned him like crazy! Straight Flush Diamonds! FUCK if i only had this 6am- 2PM i would have at least gotten $1000 in bonus! .. after that hand the table had much respect for me ahha, yeah back off bitches!.. and my last hand i played, i had pair 7s, toplay was about $15 and flop came J X (dont remember) 7! hahaha.. i have 3 7's so i'm like fuck you all, i got to go now. and I bet $50 and the two that were in , the indian guy and the other guy had to think along time.. haha.. i'm like are you serious, I'll kick yo ass! and then showed them my cards when I left. good shit. when I was leaving the table with $239 (up 139!!!) i dropped my chips.. so embarassing and nub haha.. i look at Joon andh e's up too! .. at the end, we were both up :).. In the start, vincent didnt' even have enough money to play poker, so i lent him $10 .. :) good stuff.. it was my lucky money ;P Great first time playing poker in Vegas. Especially since i lost $30 bucks in slots before the game. Well, I learned that drinks are fucking free.. and you just need to tip the big boob'd waittress.. so noob.

So the time is around 5Pm and we were walking to the Wynn so Jo can meet us there. While walking there, we saw Celine Dion (thats right you canucks! CELINE) shopping at LV. She kicked everyone out while she shopped, huge crowd gathered around her. hahaha thought that was cool. anyways, we waited just outside the Wynn's next to the Ferrari store/museum, I could not believe that you had to OWN a ferrari to go into the museum or pay $10. gay. Jo finally appeared! unf sexy :D. and i scared her. plus points for me. She was wearing a coat, and some hot boots, with black stockings. unf. Yes guys she looks just as great as in the pictures :) actually better haha. She became my lady luck and driver later on. Jo is amazingly cute :P, everytime I would turn and talk to her, she would shrug into a ball (video provides example(s)) and look really cute. haha like she's shy to talk to me. loved it.

Well since Jo came and we were up from Poker, we would treat Jo to dinner, the FSC way. You know, usually you if you visit someone, they would treat you out, but nope, we split Jo's dinner. I thought i'd be nice since her sister stole her monies. Our dinner took MORE time than any other dinner. so gay. Joon's family who went in line after us... got their dinner 10 mins before us. WTF? anyways Joon wasnt too happy with his order and I couldn't finish mine, i was half way when I walked up to go walk around so i can eat more, let me food settle, and then i came back ready to chow and I picked up my fork and noticed that there was a fry in my pasta.. and i almost ate it.. apparently I made a really funny expression and they both cracked up >:| yeah.. so at the end of dinner, Jo actually was pulling out her credit card... thinking that she could pay for the bill. yeah right! Joon took off his coat at dinner and he had pretty buff guns. haha made me want to take off my blazer too >:| I then learned more stuff about gambling!

Apparently if you play slots and certain games, you accumulate points or whatever, so I signed up for a Players Club card at the Wynn, they give you $10 free to gamble. So Joon, Jo and I went with his cousins to get the card and went to play some slots. After I finally worked the machine, I ended up with $5.50 in cash, because the $10 cant be used. So then we moved on to other games. I asked Jo to pick my next slot and We played this wheel of fortune one because we recalled (i think) that Joon's mom and cousins won big on these. Joon's Auntie or mom won $900 from the slots at Caesars Palace. I had a hard time getting my card to read and I asked the viet dude next to me if this machine wasbroken and he stuck my card in and it worked. great. my first pull of the handle and I win $75! fucking awesome! I thank JO, the dude, and Joons family for suggesting this machine :P.. lady luck JO. so hot :). Joon had to leave to catch his show after that, and we parted ways with Joon. After that, I played with Jo as she dropped me off to the Bellagio. It took 20 mins to get through 3 blocks. seriously wtf. good quality time with Jo :) I didn't want to keep her up cause she had work the next day.. though.. :)

After Jo dropped me off, I went to get more player club cards at other casinos and try my luck there. I fucked up bad. Don't ever get a card at Bellagio, since it's the TOP of the line MGM line of casinos, You cannot get good Compensations... like free play or rooms. fucking they think i'm baller now, and I cant' signup at Luxor or MGM or any other casino cause I have the Bellagio MGM card. fucking gay! I played there and at Caesar's and ended up losing $50-60, damn Joon's family tempted me thinking I could win too! FUCK! Hence, why I said remember Bellagio and Caesars above... owned me inthe end. I ended up leaving Vegas with about $40-50. Hitched a ride at 12:30AM and go back to my original friends house (I drove for 45 mins cause the girl got tired) to pick up my car then proceeded to drive another 45 Mins back to my apartment.